11 weeks ar over. Just 2 weeks to go and I will see my lovely wife again. I have a crying eye, as also a laughing eye. A big part of the time in Africa is almost over, at the other side, to have my big love back is also as wonderful. My second week at timbila was amazing. We had close contact to elephants. We were just 3m away from a young bull. He was not very amused at the beginnen, but after a while he turned relaxed and was waiting, what we are doing. We also tracked some lions. During the nightt drive we spottet genets, a very shy small predator, and even some lions were around. My special night was wednesday. Hanlo took just me alone in the middle of the night out. We had to control the collars of the lions (2 male and 1 female). To get this done, we had first to shoot 2 impalas (one for the wild dogs - feeding for friday and one for the lions to atrract them). I was also able to  fire a few shots with a pumpgun - it was amazing. After that we were heading towards the lions. As they heard us coming up they started to growl. Hanlo had to fix the impala at a tree. I spottet meanwhile the vicinity. A few minutes later, the three lions showed up.  It was just great to see how they're fighting about the prey. I won't forget the noise they made. The collars didn't work properly, so we had to get closer and closer. At the end, we were only 1m from the eating lions away and we sat literally on them. A special feeling to be as close as this. I enjoyed every minute. We were back at 3 am and after 2,5 hours I had to get up again.
We also worked at the farmstead again and fixed a part of a damaged road and made over 450 seedballs. These balls are designed to lprovide more grass for the herbivores.  At the end of the week, we placed them at a special spot. Hopefully it will works and the grass is growing. We also had some time to relax and spent one afternoon at the lodge, had a nice pizzanight and of course the braii at friday.
I will spend an another week at timbila, my third and definitly and unfortunatly last one. We^ll see what is going to happen this week. The 13th May, I will return to the farm at Windhoek. My last week as a volunteer! I will spend this working in the school next to the farm - that's the plan, but I didn't get yet a confirmation about.

This adventure is just great. I feel so happy, so free, so new ... if you are not in, as I am, it's difficult to undestand. Probablay I can transport this at home and let you be a part of my feelings. I'm still fine and so grateful to be able to experience this. A special thank to Hanlo - a real nice and great guy - you made my week!

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Roland Waser
Vor 2 Jahr

Ciao Matthias, sehr spannend deine Erlebnisse mitverfolgen zu dürfen. Danke für deine Berichte und wundervollen Einblicke. Weiterhin alles Gute in der Wildniss! Herzliche Grüsse 🇨🇭 Roland