I spend another week at Timbila, the game reserve. It was planed to leave this lovely spot this saturday, but I changend my plans again. So I will stay my last week as a volunteer also at Timbila. Next Friday, 19th may, I definitly will leave here.
Week 12 was a great week. I had the best group ever, since I moved to Namibia. All were so kind, so lovely and nice. We really had a week full of respect, humor and fun. The mix was cool: Sweden, Czech Repulic, Italy, Ireland, Netherland and Switzerland. I was really sad, as all this lovely persons left this morning - but as I always say: Every end is also an beginning. So I'm waiting actually for the new group. But, my last week will be a special week. I'm not part of the volunteer group, I will help the chief of the APU (anti poarching unti) I'll do some special work and I'm looking forward to this.
We had a lot of work to do last week. We were again at the farmstead and cleaned all grasses and bushes around the waterhole. We made a lot of habitat samplings, we fed the wild dogs and as they were eating, we cleaned their enclosure - it was a real experience to be around this predators. The young girls were one time a bit charged by the wild dogs, so they picked up a large stick (it was actually more a little tree :)), to keep the wild dogs away. It was funny to see (for us). Cleaning the enclosure means to take out the old bones - not a very nice job, but it must be done. 
Hanlo took us out for tracking lions and elephants. We found both, it was an amazing day. The elephants were a bit grumpy and got very close. Especially Peet charged us,again, which means we had to go back to the car - slowly and quite. Hanlo stand his ground, it was not terrifying, but a special moment. We also enjoyed a cool pizzanight, an afternoon at the lodge and coffee and cake at the farmstead.  We even celebrated a birthday, Linnea turned 20. She is swedish, so we learned at this evening a part of the midsummernight-dance. The video is the screamer. The braii at friday was also very nice - I did all the meat for the whole group at the grill. 

Week 13 is now my last week alone. I'm so happy to have my love back soon. Just a few days to go.

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Vor 2 Jahr

Lieber Matthias
Also, Deine Wandlung ist frappant, Du gleichst je länger je mehr Dwayne Johnson... Weiterhin alles Gute!
Bis bald, liebe Grüsse

Vor 2 Jahr

Es sieht immer noch super geniesst es noch